保利香雪园区    Poly Xiangxue Campus(Jiangbei, Chongqing)

开园时间:2019 年 3 月




班级设置 | 国际班

Class settings--International class

海汀顿采用英国 EYFS 教育体系,设置国际标准的蒙台梭利教玩具区域。采用小班额配置,中外教师合作教研,并由集团教学研发团队对中英文主题课程进行直接监督与指导。

H·T·D follows EYFS(UK), and adopts small-class-based model. The area of Montessori teaching toys is arranged as the international standard requires. The thematic courses are supervised and directed by H·T·D’ s teaching research team.

班级设置 | 双语班

Class settings-- Bilingual class

海汀顿采用英国 EYFS 教育体系,为幼儿创造双语教学环境,让更多的孩子接受到专业、优质的学前教育服务。

H·T·D follow EYFS(UK), to create a high-quality environment for bilingual education and make more children enjoy excellent education services and learning.


Campus address

详细地址 : 重庆市江北区盘溪路150号

成长热线 : 17723269368