
H·T·D International Education Group


海汀顿(英国)定位于教育管理输出中心, 与英国众多教育机构展开合作,引进英式教育专家和优质教师资源,搭建中英幼儿教育交流平台。

海汀顿(中国)总部位于北京,率先引入全球最权威的婴幼儿教育体系之一——英国早期教育体系(The Early Years Foundation Stage ,EYFS),专注 0-6 岁儿童英式精英教育。
H·T·D International Education Group that originates from the UK keeps integrating British high-quality education with internationalized philosophy of education and Chinese culture to build international premium early years edu-cation organisations.

H·T·D (UK) plays a central role in education management output, works with many British education organisations in partnership, introduces experts on British-style education and excellent teachers to China, and builds a platform for early years education providers of China and the UK to communicate.

H·T·D (China) whose headquarters is in Beijing, takes the lead in bringing in EYFS (UK) and focuses on British educa-tion for children aged between 0 and 6.


Cultural Concept


BritCham & CBBC Membership

海汀顿国际教育集团作为中国英国商会 & 英中贸易协会的会员,与英国、美国、日本和众多欧盟国家的教育机构成为合作伙伴,引进国际前沿优质教育资源,为婴幼儿提供高品质的早期教育和服务,积极助推我国学前教育事业健康、科学、可持续发展。

As a member of BritCham & CBBC, H·T·D works in partnership with many educational institutions that are from the UK, America, Japan and some countries of the EU. H·T·D introduces leading education resources to China, offers high-quality guidance and service to children and makes an effort to stimulate early years education of China to im-prove in a healthy, scientific and sustainable way.


Cooperation & Win-win Situation


Montessori Associate member of the United States

★ AMS 为美国蒙台梭利协会简称。该协会创立于 1960 年,为世界上最大、会员人数最多的蒙台梭利教育专业组织。
★ AMS 证书目前是世界上最权威、最专业的蒙台梭利教师资格证书,它在世界各地都享有极高的知名度和认可度。
★ 海汀顿幼儿园通过了 AMS 组织机构审批,成为 AMS 会员学校。

★ AMS(American Montessori Society)founded in 1960 is the biggest professional Montessori education organiza-tion with the largest number of members.
★ The certificate of AMS is one of the most authoritative and professional Montessori certificate for teachers. It has won widespread approval and been well known in the world.
★ H·T·D has canpuses that have become the member school of AMS.